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My Healing Kit Ltd
My Healing Kit is a culmination of ancestral tradition, personal experience and the desire to help others become their own healer. In our fast paced world, the state of our health should never be taken for granted. However, it is usually only once we have lost a part of it that we realise this. I was fortunate to be raised in an environment where natural folk remedies and Ayurvedic practices were embedded into family tradition - this wisdom indirectly built the foundation for MHK. Chronic auto immune conditions can lead to an array of health issues and this is where my journey to take back control of my health was initiated and pursued. In re-visiting the knowledge from my childhood and the expertise passed down from generations, I began to explore the powerful botanicals that nature has to offer. While my own journey is far from over, there was a natural instinct to share these amazing healing herbs, roots and flowers with my own family and this passion now spreads to help others on their healing... More
Welcome to Phytopet, where natural pet health is a way of life. With over two decades of expertise, we are dedicated to organic living and nurturing pets in harmony with the planet. Our mission is to provide top-quality, natural supplements that enhance your pet's well-being while promoting a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle. Join us on this journey of holistic care, backed by a legacy of over 20 years in natural pet health.
Point Zero
Our Story Beyond the pandemic, daily life and unexpected events impact our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Like others, we had been experiencing some of the daily stressors of modern life: sleep problems, low immunity and increased anxiety and were in search of a holistic approach to regaining our health.   We turned to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This ancient healing system had a profound effect on our bodies and our minds. In particular, TCM uses acupuncture and/or acupressure as a way to balance the flow of energy (qi) through the body by stimulating pressure points. Although it may not always provide immediate results, after 2-3 treatments, we found that we were sleeping better, thinking better and had more energy.  So we set out to create Point Zero to make TCM more accessible, personalized and convenient for modern life. Point Zero uses this scientifically proven... More
Potion Organic
Who We Are In pursuit of a more meaningful connection with ourselves and our environment, we recognize the value of simple solutions that bring about greater change. Our beauty rituals provide an opportunity to focus on self-care, enabling balance in both body and mind. Moreover, there is no denying nature's remarkable therapeutic properties—from plant extracts to natural oils—for restoring harmony within us all. Above it all stands love; a powerful bridge towards understanding one another while manifesting true happiness from inside out. What Are We all About By using pure, sustainable ingredients and avoiding 'questionable' ones, our natural products promise to keep your skin balanced and healthy. Our formulations have been scientifically proven for visible results while being gentle on the microbiome and kind to both the ocean and reef life! Suitable even for sensitive skin care needs - we’re dedicated to providing only the best of nature's gifts. Our Origins I am Donna, the founder and... More
Pulsatio Home
We are a home decor studio offering online our nature-inspired and eco-friendly 3D printed products with our main base in the UAE.  We combine our passion for organic designs and sustainability with the latest advancements in 3D printing technology. The result is a limited collection of 3D Printed home decor items that exude natural elegance and beauty, and promote eco-conscious living.
Shake Your Plants
For centuries, plants and superfoods have been celebrated for their incredible health benefits. However, in recent times, these powerful natural ingredients have become increasingly expensive and out of reach for many. Thankfully, there's a game-changing solution in town: SYP (SHAKE YOUR PLANTS). SYP offers a wide range of delicious, functional, plant-based instant drinks that are not only affordable, but also sustainable and convenient. Our innovative products help you unlock the superpowers of plants without breaking the bank. Simply add our instant powders to water, shake and enjoy an instant boost of nutrients and energy. With SYP, you don't have to compromise on quality or taste to enjoy the many benefits of plant-based nutrition. Our low-cost, high-quality products make it easy and accessible for everyone to nourish their bodies with the goodness of plants. So why wait? Shake up your life with SYP today and discover the power of plant-based nutrition for yourself!
Skin Equation
My journey in skincare started when my 3-month-old baby developed eczema. I had never seen skin so severe. I wanted to find a natural cure, so began to research into  alternative therapy  and came across a new branch of skincare that is now starting to take the lead in the skincare industry, water-free natural products.  From plants we  obtain highly active botanical extracts that perform with excellent results without the toxic damage .  Equipped with my background as a research chemist and fuelled by an insatiable curiosity, I eagerly ventured into the world of cosmetic formulation. My aim was to create ointments and products that could alleviate not only my baby's eczema but also provide relief and assistance to others facing similar skincare concerns. This journey led me to develop a range of products known as Skin Equation, embodying the culmination of my passion, expertise, and commitment to helping others attain healthy and radiant skin. Driven by a... More
Skunk Superstore
Skunk Superstore is an independent brand founded by Juhi Pande, with a little dream to create and bring to life unique everyday objects for the home. From the black and white soap to the pop-coloured concrete that I hope you’ll delight in as much as I have, everything you see here is crafted, cured and packaged from my home studio in Hackney, London. Although Skunk Superstore is brand new, my experiments with material, texture and smell started over a decade ago, when I had the sudden urge to make something with my own hands. The soap came first, slipped into gift bags with ugly Christmas sweaters for friends and family. I was playing with activated charcoal at the time, so the chunky bars were either white/colourless or a deep black. “Skunk" seemed appropriate, and it stuck! An exploration with colour came a few years later, with Skunk Cement. There’s something so beautiful about the contrast between the near permanence of a solid cement vessel, its weight, its industrial nature, and the soft... More
Sleep Goddess
Sleepgoddess products are designed to be practical and improve your sleep, hair and skincare routine - rest better and awake to your best life. We ensure our products are handcrafted with care, made by local seamstresses, with precision using only natural, ethical and sustainable elements. The silks we use are cruelty-free, and in some cases where polyester is utilised, we go the extra mile to ensure that recycled polyester is used. Our personal philosophy is that with sustainability, small contributions work towards the greater good.  We launched this new business with an aim to make a difference and be a solution to replace fast and unsustainable fashion for your beauty sleep needs.  We are on a journey to ensure that ALL of the fabrics and materials used are plastic free. We invite you to be patient with me while we learn and find the best and relevant resources to produce the finest and glamorous sleep aids for your needs. We invite you to join with me in making a difference by choosing this... More
Superfoods Company
The story of Super Foods begins with the story of our founder. Working in the family pharmaceuticals business and then corporate health insurance, he had experienced both sides of the spectrum: how important one’s health was and how to maintain it. But what really changed his life was neither of these. In 2019, he was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease and border line diabetes, forcing him to change his diet habits overnight. After managing his CKD and diabetes through Kombucha and Super Greens, he truly realised the vast benefits of Kombucha and Natural Superfoods. Growing up in Asia, he was always mesmarised by different cultures and herbal medicines from that region. Having lived in Malaysia for 7 years, where he discovered Kombucha, a magical drink used to prevent many diseases. The idea was fermented successfully in his mind. And in 2019 after his diagnosis, the fermentation was done, and it was now time to produce the product. Traditional Kombucha that was used in Asia worked great for... More