Dalia Botanique

Contact information
Dalia Botanique
United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Shipping address
United Kingdom (Great Britain)

From Garden to Bottle, this is our motto.

I have always felt a deep connection to nature and I am inspired by the many wonderful botanicals and their unique properties available on my doorstep. Ones that could be grown in our gardens and meadows.

Most of my spare time is spent outdoors; trail running, cycling, hiking and gardening in all weathers. I spend an incredible amount of time outdoors, so over the years, I have learned to listen to my skin better and to find out what it really needs.

And so the spark of my idea was born: to create a brand of simple and natural skincare made in Yorkshire, accessible but effective, for those like me who spend a lot of time outdoors.

The products we offer you are easy to use, organic, natural, minimalist, but rich in restorative ingredients that retain moisture and keep the skin protected all day, in every season.