My Healing Kit Ltd

Contact information
My Healing Kit Ltd
United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Shipping address
United Kingdom (Great Britain)

My Healing Kit is a culmination of ancestral tradition, personal experience and the desire to help others become their own healer. In our fast paced world, the state of our health should never be taken for granted. However, it is usually only once we have lost a part of it that we realise this.

I was fortunate to be raised in an environment where natural folk remedies and Ayurvedic practices were embedded into family tradition - this wisdom indirectly built the foundation for MHK. Chronic auto immune conditions can lead to an array of health issues and this is where my journey to take back control of my health was initiated and pursued. In re-visiting the knowledge from my childhood and the expertise passed down from generations, I began to explore the powerful botanicals that nature has to offer. While my own journey is far from over, there was a natural instinct to share these amazing healing herbs, roots and flowers with my own family and this passion now spreads to help others on their healing journeys. MHK is a source - unlocking the gifts of nature for their holistic healing benefits on the skin, mind, body and spirit.