VitaJunkie PMS Support
Specially formulated to support you through your cycle and relieve you from those pesky symptoms of PMS including, breast tenderness, bloating, cramps, cravings, headaches and mood swings. VITAJUNKIE PMS should promote a sense of calm, optimise energy, get those hormones balanced and stabilise your mood so you can feel bad ass everyday!
Take one supplement a day everyday of your cycle after breakfast or lunch with a glass of water.
It’s important to look after yourself and the planet. All our packaging is 100% biodegradable. No plastic here!!!
When you subscribe we send out 2 months supply at a time to reduce packaging and postage.
Cautionary advice:
Supplements become more effective over time, so don’t be disappointed if you don’t notice immediate results. If you are currently taking any prescribed medication, pregnant or breastfeeding consult your healthcare provider first. Discontinue use if adverse reactions occur. This product should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use it if the seal has been broken.
We make no claims and/or promises in respect of results and/or experiences. All results are individual. Natural supplements can take up to 3 months to take effect. Within our website we may express individual client feedback about the wellness they experience from using our product.