Adaptogenic Apothecary - Lions Mane

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30 days
We are dedicated to developing powerful herbal elixirs, rooted in science and blended ...

Natural organic Lions Mane that combines dual extract with raw fruiting body giving a full supplement support for mental clarity, focus and more.


Cognitive Enhancement
Mental Clarity
Mental Focus
Memory Improvement
Relieves Mild Depression
Eases Mild Anxiety
Gut Health
Regulates Blood Sugar
Immune System Support
Relieves Menopausal Symptoms

How to use:

1 to 2 grams daily. Start on a lower dosage and see how you tolerate this natural product. Do not exceed recommended serving and take one weeks break after two months use.

Blend, mix, sprinkle or stir into food or drink

Lions Mane raw fruiting body 70% Lions Mane dual extract 30%
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