Aggy Eco Shop - Jasmine heart

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30 days
Aggy Eco Shop
At AGGY Eco Shop, we're all about living the 'do what you love, love what you do' life...

Indulge in the luxurious purity of Jasmine Heart, a natural soap crafted with care and enriched with premium ingredients. Infused with the goodness of olive oil, organic coconut oil, organic shea butter, and castor oil, this soap nurtures your skin with unparalleled hydration and nourishment.

Harnessing the cleansing power of lye and water, combined with the rejuvenating properties of moringa powder, Jasmine Heart gently purifies while replenishing your skin's vitality.

With the fragrance of jasmine essential oil, complemented by the ethereal beauty of jasmine dried flowers, you can experience the transformative benefits of this Jasmine Heart soap as it leaves your skin feeling irresistibly soft, supple, and radiant, with each use a testament to nature's unparalleled grace and efficacy.

Olive oil, Organic coconut oil, Organic shea butter, Castor oil, Lye, Water, Moringa powder, Jasmine essential oil, Jasmine dried flowers

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