Adaptogenic Apothecary - Freedom | Reduces Symptoms of Menopause

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30 days
We are dedicated to developing powerful herbal elixirs, rooted in science and blended ...

A natural support for women who don’t have regular cycles anymore/in menopause. Freedom is formulated to banish menopausal symptoms and can be taken instead of or alongside HRT.

Ingredients and how they help:

Lion's mane extract: For mental clarity & focus, immune support & gut health.

Cordyceps: To improve mitochondrial & cellular function, enhance libido, increase energy and improve parameters for healthy ageing.

Saffron (Affron): Clinically proven to improve sleep, reduce anxiety, increase mood, improve libido and reduce joint pain.

Goji berry: High in Vitamin C to support healthy collagen production, improve eyesight, support healthy ageing and improve libido.

Maitake Mushroom: To regulate insulin & blood sugar levels & support healthy weight management.

Ashwagandha: For increased feelings of calm, reduced anxiety & stress. Aids sleep and positive energy.

Raw cacao: Powerful antioxidant for improved mood, anti-ageing, good source of magnesium. Contains anandamides (the bliss molecule) to limit negative mind states such as fear and anxiety and increase happiness.

Cinnamon: A powerful antioxidant to improve blood sugar regulation.

Rosehip: A precursor to collagen, high in Vitamin C, anti-inflammatory reduces joint and arthritis pains.

Beetroot: To lowers blood pressure and increases detoxification through the liver.

How to use:

Take 5-6 grams daily.
Blend, mix, sprinkle or stir into food or drink
Can be used instead of, or along-side HRT

Lions Mane, Ashwagandha, Cordyceps, Goji berry, Affron®, Rosehip, Raw cacao, Coconut, Maitake, Cinnamon

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